Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Final Project

For my final project, I wanted to experiment with how white reacts to different types of lighting. I took different types of lighting found in nature and exposed a white sheet to the light. The results were creepy and very vibrant. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Project 5- Flag

For my flag, I wanted to make it look playful and simple like most flags of the world. I also wanted to counteract the simpleness with high in chroma colors. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Project 4- Transparency

Transparency study 
Transparency painting
Transparency Gif 
I chose to use this color scheme because I feel that reds and purples go well together. It makes the pieces feel whimsical. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Color Control

Top: Varying colors focused primarily around blues and greens. 
Bottom: High chroma colors focused on greens and earth tones. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Project 3- Simultaneous Contrast

Two colors as one 
One color as two 

I chose to do the design for these two by thinking about a retro aesthetic. I wanted to use colors that contrasted with one another and also had a pop feel to them. Both of the designs, I feel, portray a very poppy feeling.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Project 2- Vibrating Edges

I wanted to show the way that colors reacted when placed next to each other. I chose blue and orange to represent the vibrating edge. The design says 'pen' because I have been interested in the phrase "the pen is mightier than the sword."

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Project 1- Color Wheel

I chose the color blue for my first project because I really enjoyed the different shades I got out of mixing the paint. The blue also seemed very cool to me which relates back to the thing I was painting. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Advancing and Receding Colors/ Successive Contrast

When cool colors are placed next to or surrounding warm colors, the warm hues appear to be closer to the viewer (to advance) whearase the cool hues appear farther away. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Munsell Charts

A complete selection of Munsell's color notation. Pictured are as follows: Hue Value/Chroma Chart, Hue 5R (value and chroma), Hue 5YR (value and chroma), Hue 5Y (value and chroma), Hue 5GY (value and chroma), Hue 5G (value and chroma), Hue 5BG (value and chroma), Hue 5B (value and chroma), Hue 5PB (value and chroma), Hue 5P (value and chroma), and Hue 5RP (value and chroma). 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Color Usage in Only Lovers Left Alive

Color is used successfully in the film Only Lovers Left Alive by Jim Jarmusch. The cool colors in the first image have a relaxing feel to them. The slight difference in color make the figures stand out apart from the rest of the image. In the second picture, the colors are more warm and soft. They look inviting and draw the attention to the figures. The viewer's eye is drawn to the splash of red, which brings a sense of excitement to the viewer.