Thursday, February 18, 2016

Project 2- Vibrating Edges

I wanted to show the way that colors reacted when placed next to each other. I chose blue and orange to represent the vibrating edge. The design says 'pen' because I have been interested in the phrase "the pen is mightier than the sword."


  1. I think you did very well in making your colors pop. With the background being darker than the letters, it really makes it feel like the words are floating off of the page. However, I think if you remove the black outlines in your patterns it would really demonstrate the idea of vibrating edges better. Excellent work though!

  2. I really love what you did with making letters but I do agree removing the edges will help with making it look like it is vibrating. Also what would happen if the background was lighter?

  3. Your use of text in your pattern piece is great! It adds an extra stylistic element that adds to the overall vibration.
